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Welcome Back

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Hugh Sutherland School.

Please take a minute to watch Principal Dean's Welcome Back Video. He covers some important topics such as the new cell phone policy and dress code. The Hugh Sutherland School Handbook can be found on our website and is linked in the September Newsletter .

Upcoming Dates

  • Aug 30 - 12:30-2:00 - Gr 5-8 Open House
  • Sept 3 - Students' First Day
  • Sept 11 - 4:00-6:30 - Meet The Teacher BBQ

All other September dates are listed in the attached newsletter.

We would like to take a minute to welcome our new staff.  Tyson Youngs(gr 5), Lexi Hammond(gr 6), Eric Behr(humanities), Riley Wiebe(foods), Logan Vanderham(phys ed) and Shallan Holinaty(concession).

Our Grade 5-8 teachers are listed below.

5A - Mr Youngs
5B - Mrs Burston
5C - Mrs Connolly
5D - Mrs Symon

6A - Ms Hammond
6B - Mrs Heidebrecht
6C - Mrs Webster

7A - Mrs Miller
7B - Ms Sangster
7C - Ms Cooper
7D/8D - Mr Armitage

8A - Mrs Bosomworth
8B - Mr Biggin
8C - Ms Peters

We are excited to start the new school year!

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